

Thank you for your inquiry!

By submitting an inquiry form, you will automatically be added to our e-newsletter list and will receive important information about application requirements, visit opportunities, and more. 

*If you have previously accessed the Sailor Portal for another applicant/student in your family, you will not receive an email when your inquiry form is processed. Instead, your account will be updated with the new candidate and when you log in to your Sailor Portal you will be able to toggle between multiple candidates/students in the top left corner.

List of 2 members.

  • Photo of Mattie Wood

    Mrs. Mattie Wood 

    Director of Admissions & Enrollment Management
    Towson University - B.S.
    Johns Hopkins University - M.S.
  • Photo of Jennifer Blake

    Ms. Jennifer Blake 

    Assistant Director of Admissions
    Mount St. Mary's University - B.A.

Mount de Sales Academy

Academic Excellence in the Catholic Tradition